Talks and Workshops
Jocelyn says: “They told me I shouldn’t do it, couldn’t do it—but I went ahead and did it, and the Beyond Lean In: Women Redefining Leadership book tour sold out across the US! 15 authors, 5 cities, and >200 participants added up to one incredible journey with amazing thinkers and a whole lot of real talk about women, work, and leadership. Here are a few pics that capture the vibe. Learn more about all the authors and events on the Press tab.”
Jocelyn says: “Inter-faith Housing Group held their executive offsite in Santa Fe and volunteered to test my new workshop, Women’s Archetypes for Every Leader. Here’s a snapshot of their feedback!”

Jocelyn says: “What a pleasure to discuss The Art of Quiet Influence with senior leaders from the Fieldstone Leadership Network. I’m available for virtual or in-person talks on any of my books with your club or organization.”
Why Shakespeare Should Be Your Go-To Source for Leadership Advice: View an excerpt of this provocative keynote
Jocelyn says: “I delivered this talk for the Academy of Culture Ambassadors, a nonprofit that researches and shares ways to build thriving, wise workplace cultures. They wanted me to talk about Shakespeare, and I did … but really, the speech is about learning from terrible leaders!”
Now What? A Life Lab for Career Starters: Gain confidence and know-how as you enter the “real world”
Jocelyn says: “Dr. Maggie Walsh and I are excited about our new workshop for college students and early-career professionals. So far we’ve delivered it at Baylor University and twice at St John’s College. What have people liked most? The interactivity, the way we help them confront their career fears, the talents assessment, and the many practical tips for thriving in the world of work.”
New Lenses on Leadership Development: Think differently about how you develop your leaders
Jocelyn says: “I had a great time delivering this 90-minute workshop in London to 25 forward-thinking L&D professionals. What resonated most for them: the idea of leadership levels based on positive impact instead of the traditional hierarchy. It’s an idea whose time has come.”
5 Timeless Tools to Boost Leaders’ Thinking: A webinar for leadership coaches, featuring the five most popular tools in The Greats on Leadership
Jocelyn says: ““It was an honor to address more than a hundred coaches from The Center for Creative Leadership, and to receive feedback from them saying this was one of the most useful learning sessions they’d had.”
Leadership Traps: The eight biggest pitfalls for leaders and how to avoid them
Jocelyn says: “These traps, the focus of Chapter 2 of The Greats on Leadership, were the main topic of a webinar I delivered to clients of a large tech consultancy. What they liked most: the stories illustrating each trap.”
Leadership Character: Become a leader of substance
Jocelyn says: “Amy Cuddy, I love your book Presence, and I power-pose before every talk! But I think the business world needs substance more than presence. We need to bring back ways to talk about character: how to recognize it, how to develop it.”
Strategic Speed: Mobilize people, accelerate execution
Jocelyn says: “For the past three years I’ve been delivering virtual talks on Strategic Speed (my first book) to executives at a major international airport as part of their leadership academy. I’ve been pleased to see how well the Clarity/Unity/Agility framework still works for leaders. Click the image below to see my Thinkers50 interview on Strategic Speed.“
We’d love to tailor a talk or workshop for your organization. Contact Jocelyn to discuss.